The Frameworks for Change Seminar enables participants to try out different behaviors and new ways of thinking on four Playing Levels:

Individual Playing Level

At the individual level, it helps participants express their creativity and develop intuitive decision-making skills. It allows them to recognize unique personal strengths and overcome the blocks that hinder them in the exercise of innovation and leadership.

Team Playing Level

It offers teams the opportunity to clarify roles and improve communication helping team members grow in trust of each other and the willingness to work in concert. Participants discover practical ways to clear obstacles and assist one another in reaching shared goals.

Organizational Playing Level

At the corporate level, it enables participants to evaluate the vision, values, traditions, and cultural beliefs that guide behavior. Participants can clarify how sub-groups function and assess how the organization, as a whole, deals with issues of leadership and decision-making.

Global Playing Level

On the global level, it offers participants the opportunity to examine how they work with global issues. Participants identify what function their organization serves in society and explore new strategies for cooperation and contribution.