Frameworks® for Change

Frameworks® Coaching Process


FCP test em ingles

Key Insight
An unexpected crisis provided na opportunity for you to actualize your inner strength na potencial.
You value and express the quality of CARING in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced caring.
You've discovering you have something to say and you'ree sayind it.
You allow forgiveness dissolves defenses.
You looked at an issue from wider perspective and saw how everyone played a role.
Move up to the next level. Release any lingering feelings that are holding you back.
You forgive everyone. You forgive yourself. You forgive all past experience. You are free!
You trust and act on your intuition daily.
You were brilliant, firm and steady in a very rocky situation.
If you could change one aspect of your work right now, what would it be and why?
You're willing to live in a transition zone of not-knowing.
You keep in touch with new streams of information.
You take time to explore alternatives before making a decision.
You approach your work with a win-win attitude.
What are you willing to do for yourself this week?
What are you willing to do for someone else this week?
You use your critical perceptions to draw forth perfection, not tear it down.
You were able to stay present rather than shut off in a tedious meeting or situation.
You were able to stay present rather than shut off in a tedious meeting or situation.
You value and express the quality of RECIPROCITY in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced reciprocity.
An opportunity to give truthful feedback. Be honest with all that are involved.
You value and express the quality of EMPATHY in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced empathy.
You value and express the quality of CREATIVITY in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced creativity.
You value and express the quality of FAITH in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced faith.
You value and express the quality of HUMOR in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced humor.
You value and express the quality of INSPIRATION in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced inspiration.
You value and express the quality of ACCEPTANCE in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced acceptance.
You value and express the quality of OPENNESS in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced openness.
You value and express the quality of FULFILLMENT in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced fulfillment.
You value and express the quality of PROSPERITY in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced prosperity
You value and express the quality of RELEASE in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced release.
You value and express the quality of SUPPORT in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced support.
Retreat is not defeat. You recognize the value of slowing down.
You take time off to allow your body to rest and renew.
You changed course and avoided a seriuos impasse.
By making room for a personal life, you successfully avoid stress.
Even though you were busy, you took time to reach out to a colleague in distress and offeres your support.
You successfully resisted the temptation to gossip.
You acted with autorithy, clarity and empatthy in a very difficult situation.
You had the courage to state the truth even though you knew people didn't want to hear it.
You value and express the quality of VISON in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced vision.
You are able to see beyond appearances and respond to what is really going on.
You balance former feelings of inadequacey by appreciating your own uniqueness.
You broke through your closed shell of isolation into a true understanding and experience of teamwork.
You demonstrate integrity in your personal, social and business relationships.
Doing good for others is a primary motivation in your work.
You didn't get caught in the rat race to the top.
You discover personally that taking high risks in realtionships brings equally high rewards.
You value and express the quality of OPTIMISM in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced optimism.
You speak when inspired and say nothinf when you're not.
You let go of some old trappins. Nice going.
You express honesty and truthfulness in each moment.
You face what's in front of you squarely, openly, and courageously and give thanks for all you receive.
You focus on insight rather than hindsight.
You follow through on your commitments.
You estabilish clear boundaries between your job needs and your need for personal time.
You take time to acknowledge, savor and celebrate each of your team's successes.
You're discovering you are motivated by more than making money.
You hold a positive outllok.
You're able to respond positively to what is going on around you and deal with challenges creatively.
You value and express the quality of HONESTY in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced honesty.
You realize that it's Okay that it's taking as long as it's taking.
You resolved a disagreement by taking the first step to communicate.
You express your feelings clearly and responsibly.
You take the initiaitive.
You take the responsability of using your power wisely.
You didn't get caught in the merry-go-round to pleasant distractions but completed the task in hand with focus and patience.
You were to point out a co-worker's lack of awarenss without appearing judgmental or making them fell inadequate or inferior.
You're willing to let go of your judgments and expectations.
Your openess, trust, and caring for eveyoneenable others to share themselves fully and safely.
Your sense of joy and fun brought a breath of fresh air a stuffy and all too serious conversation.
Your wisdom and maturity inspire changes inside and out.
You measure your success by how much you enjoy your work.
You value and express the quality of KINDNESS in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced kindness.
You're sensitive to your emotional needs.
You're willing to bear the discomfort involved in shifting perpective.
You do what you say you're going to do.
Recall a time when you put spirit into your work.
You value and express the quality of LEADERSHIP in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced leadership.
You value and express the quality of AUTHENTICITY in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced authenticity.
You readily appreciate and ancknowledger others.
You share your ideas freely, without expectations or attachments.
Tough assignments are only give to the best students.
You value and express the quality of TRUST in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced trust.
You realize that by playing for yourself you may win trophies, but by playing for your team you can win the champiosnship.
Take personal responsability. Decide what you want to do now and how you want to proceed.
You value and express the quality of RECEPTIVITY in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced receptivity.
You model your value at work.
You realize that what you Know isn't all there is to Know.
You're willing to stand up for your principles.
You live according to your essential values.
You're willing to be accountable for your actions.

Indicates the key to your process.

You are back by the NEED FOR RECOGNITION in the present situation.

Recall a time the need for recognition set you back.
"But who gave you the right to decide? No one's going tol tell me what to do!"
You saw the big picture but dind't plan, assign or organize the detaisl.
"Do this! Do that! "You've slipped back into an old power trip.
You take your stress and dissatisfaction without any consideration for others.
You acted on your individual needs without any consideration for others.
You've fallen into the trap of believing that your title and intelligence make you more important than others.
"I expect something back before I'll too put any more in."
"I just can't handle it. It's all too much for me!"
You'd like to trust others but your old fear of being tricked and made a fool of overrides your best intetions.
You made a final commitment without the means to fulfill it.
You are back by the RESISTANCE in the present situation.

Recall a time the resistance set you back.
"If I'm not winning. I finf it hard to celebrate anyone else's success."
You are back by the MANIPULATION in the present situation.

Recall a time the manipulation set you back.
You jump to conclusions prematuraly, instead of takink time to think through all the options and explore alternatives.
You are back by the RESENTMENT in the present situation.

Recall a time the resentment set you back.
"I'm not willing to put myself out there unless I'm 100% sure.
You are back by the NEED FOR POWER in the present situation.

Recall a time the need for power set you back.
You complaim until you find someone who agrees with you.
You feel you are the only one who can do the job and so are reluctant or unable to delegate tasks.
You are back by the JUDGMENT in the present situation.

Recall a time the judgment set you back.
You neglect to appreciate and acknowledge others.
"That's me – I've alwalys been that way. I can't help it. That's just my nature."
If I don't understand it, I'm not going to accept it.
You are back by the GREED in the present situation.

Recall a time the greed set you back.
You are back by the AGGRESSION in the present situation.

Recall a time the aggression set you back.
You are back by the ARROGANCE in the present situation.

Recall a time the arrogance set you back.
You are back by the ATTACHMENT in the present situation.

Recall a time the attachment set you back.
You are back by the AVOIDANCE in the present situation.

Recall a time the avoidance set you back.
You are back by the BLAMING in the present situation.

Recall a time the blaming set you back.
You are back by the PASSIVITY in the present situation.

Recall a time the passivity set you back.
You are back by the COMPLAINING in the present situation.

Recall a time the complaining set you back.
You are back by the CONFLIT in the present situation.

Recall a time the conflit set you back.
You are back by the CONTROL in the present situation.

Recall a time the control set you back.
You are back by the CRITICISM in the present situation.

Recall a time the criticism set you back.
You are back by the DEFENSIVENESS in the present situation.

Recall a time the defensiveness set you back.
You are back by the DENIAL in the present situation.

Recall a time the denial set you back.
You are back by the RELATIONSHIP TO MONEY in the present situation.

Recall a time the relationship to money set you back.
You are back by the DISHONESTY in the present situation.

Recall a time the dishonesty set you back.
You are back by the ENVY in the present situation.

Recall a time the envy set you back.
You are back by the DISAPPOINTMENT in the present situation.

Recall a time the disappointment set you back.
You are back by the FEELINGS OF INFERIORITY in the present situation.

Recall a time the feelings of inferiority set you back.
You are back by the INSECUTITY in the present situation.

Recall a time the insecutity set you back.
You are back by the FRUSTRATION in the present situation.

Recall a time the frustration set you back.
You are back by the HELPLESSNESS in the present situation.

Recall a time the helplessness set you back.
You are back by the IMPATIENCE in the present situation.

Recall a time the impatience set you back.
You are back by the COMPARISION in the present situation.

Recall a time the comparision set you back.
You are back by the LAZINESS in the present situation.

Recall a time the laziness set you back.
You are back by the LONELINESS in the present situation.

Recall a time the loneliness set you back.
You are back by the MISTRUST in the present situation.

Recall a time the mistrust set you back.
You are back by the NEED FOR APPROVAL in the present situation.

Recall a time the need for approval set you back.
You are back by the PRESSURE in the present situation.

Recall a time the pressure set you back.
You are back by the PROCASTINATION in the present situation.

Recall a time the procastination set you back.
You are back by the LACK OF EMPATHY in the present situation.

Recall a time the lack of empathy set you back.
You are back by the REJECTION in the present situation.

Recall a time the rejection set you back.
You are caught in a cycle of business and exhaustion.

go – go – go .... and collapse
You are back by the RIGIDITY in the present situation.

Recall a time the rigidity set you back.
You have little tolerance for people on your team who do things differently than you.
You are back by the SELF-CONDEMNATION in the present situation.

Recall a time the self-condemnation set you back.
You are back by the SELFISHNESS in the present situation.

Recall a time the SELFISHNESS set you back.
You are back by the SEPARATION in the present situation.

Recall a time the SEPARATION set you back.
You compromised your integrity.
You are back by the SELF-ESTEEM in the present situation.

Recall a time the self-esteem set you back.
You are back by the GUILT in the present situation.

Recall a time the guilt set you back.
You are back by the WITHDRAWAL in the present situation.

Recall a time the withdrawal set you back.
You are back by the WORRY in the present situation.

Recall a time the worry set you back.
Frantic and panic are your familiar friends.
You are back by the SELF-IMPORTANCE in the present situation.

Recall a time the self-importance set you back.
You fell a need to be always proving yoourself to others at the expense of taking time to really listen and communicate.
You forcefully changed a situation to fit your needs.
You are back by the FEAR in the present situation.

Recall a time the fear set you back.
You spent time wallowing in a state of negativity and unexpressed resentment.
You demand too much of yourself and everyone round you.
You want other people to do it for you.
You are back by the DOUBT in the present situation.

Recall a time the doubt set you back.
You're bogged down with frustation of not being able to live up to up to your highest ideals.
You are back by the COMPETITIVENESS in the present situation.

Recall a time the competitiveness set you back.
You are back by the INABILITY TO COMMUNICATE in the present situation.

Recall a time the inability to communicate set you back.
You are back by the PERFECTIONISM in the present situation.

Recall a time the perfectionism set you back.
Can't say no? Don't want to say yes? When was tha last time you felt cornered?
"I'll look at that one later" You accumulate a backlog of latent emotions that effectively dam up your present creative expression.
Your inability to listen gets in the way of really hearing what's going on.
"It's always me who has to do and nobody cares, nobody noteices and nobody ever helps me!"
Looking for the worst in people? Expecting the worst in situations? no woder you live in a hostile and painful world.
You are back by the ANGRY in the present situation.

Recall a time the angry set you back.
You allow yourself to be swayed off your position by other people's opinions.
You are back by the RESIGNATION in the present situation.

Recall a time the resignation set you back.
You are back by the FAILURE in the present situation.

Recall a time the failure set you back.
You are back by the FEELINGS OF SUPERIORITY in the present situation.

Recall a time the feelings of superiority set you back.
You've confidence in your ability to mak effective decisions.
Living with unhealthy levels of stress eventually takes it's toll.
You are back by the OVEREXTENSION in the present situation.

Recall a time the overextension set you back.

Identify an obstacle you should be aware of, or a possible limitation that can slow you down on your way.

Resource Insight
An unexpected crisis provided na opportunity for you to actualize your inner strength na potencial.
You value and express the quality of CARING in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced caring.
You've discovering you have something to say and you'ree sayind it.
You allow forgiveness dissolves defenses.
You looked at an issue from wider perspective and saw how everyone played a role.
Move up to the next level. Release any lingering feelings that are holding you back.
You forgive everyone. You forgive yourself. You forgive all past experience. You are free!
You trust and act on your intuition daily.
You were brilliant, firm and steady in a very rocky situation.
If you could change one aspect of your work right now, what would it be and why?
You're willing to live in a transition zone of not-knowing.
You keep in touch with new streams of information.
You take time to explore alternatives before making a decision.
You approach your work with a win-win attitude.
What are you willing to do for yourself this week?
What are you willing to do for someone else this week?
You use your critical perceptions to draw forth perfection, not tear it down.
You were able to stay present rather than shut off in a tedious meeting or situation.
You were able to stay present rather than shut off in a tedious meeting or situation.
You value and express the quality of RECIPROCITY in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced reciprocity.
An opportunity to give truthful feedback. Be honest with all that are involved.
You value and express the quality of EMPATHY in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced empathy.
You value and express the quality of CREATIVITY in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced creativity.
You value and express the quality of FAITH in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced faith.
You value and express the quality of HUMOR in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced humor.
You value and express the quality of INSPIRATION in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced inspiration.
You value and express the quality of ACCEPTANCE in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced acceptance.
You value and express the quality of OPENNESS in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced openness.
You value and express the quality of FULFILLMENT in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced fulfillment.
You value and express the quality of PROSPERITY in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced prosperity
You value and express the quality of RELEASE in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced release.
You value and express the quality of SUPPORT in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced support.
Retreat is not defeat. You recognize the value of slowing down.
You take time off to allow your body to rest and renew.
You changed course and avoided a seriuos impasse.
By making room for a personal life, you successfully avoid stress.
Even though you were busy, you took time to reach out to a colleague in distress and offeres your support.
You successfully resisted the temptation to gossip.
You acted with autorithy, clarity and empatthy in a very difficult situation.
You had the courage to state the truth even though you knew people didn't want to hear it.
You value and express the quality of VISON in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced vision.
You are able to see beyond appearances and respond to what is really going on.
You balance former feelings of inadequacey by appreciating your own uniqueness.
You broke through your closed shell of isolation into a true understanding and experience of teamwork.
You demonstrate integrity in your personal, social and business relationships.
Doing good for others is a primary motivation in your work.
You didn't get caught in the rat race to the top.
You discover personally that taking high risks in realtionships brings equally high rewards.
You value and express the quality of OPTIMISM in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced optimism.
You speak when inspired and say nothinf when you're not.
You let go of some old trappins. Nice going.
You express honesty and truthfulness in each moment.
You face what's in front of you squarely, openly, and courageously and give thanks for all you receive.
You focus on insight rather than hindsight.
You follow through on your commitments.
You estabilish clear boundaries between your job needs and your need for personal time.
You take time to acknowledge, savor and celebrate each of your team's successes.
You're discovering you are motivated by more than making money.
You hold a positive outllok.
You're able to respond positively to what is going on around you and deal with challenges creatively.
You value and express the quality of HONESTY in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced honesty.
You realize that it's Okay that it's taking as long as it's taking.
You resolved a disagreement by taking the first step to communicate.
You express your feelings clearly and responsibly.
You take the initiaitive.
You take the responsability of using your power wisely.
You didn't get caught in the merry-go-round to pleasant distractions but completed the task in hand with focus and patience.
You were to point out a co-worker's lack of awarenss without appearing judgmental or making them fell inadequate or inferior.
You're willing to let go of your judgments and expectations.
Your openess, trust, and caring for eveyoneenable others to share themselves fully and safely.
Your sense of joy and fun brought a breath of fresh air a stuffy and all too serious conversation.
Your wisdom and maturity inspire changes inside and out.
You measure your success by how much you enjoy your work.
You value and express the quality of KINDNESS in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced kindness.
You're sensitive to your emotional needs.
You're willing to bear the discomfort involved in shifting perpective.
You do what you say you're going to do.
Recall a time when you put spirit into your work.
You value and express the quality of LEADERSHIP in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced leadership.
You value and express the quality of AUTHENTICITY in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced authenticity.
You readily appreciate and ancknowledger others.
You share your ideas freely, without expectations or attachments.
Tough assignments are only give to the best students.
You value and express the quality of TRUST in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced trust.
You realize that by playing for yourself you may win trophies, but by playing for your team you can win the champiosnship.
Take personal responsability. Decide what you want to do now and how you want to proceed.
You value and express the quality of RECEPTIVITY in the present situation.

Recall a time when you experienced receptivity.
You model your value at work.
You realize that what you Know isn't all there is to Know.
You're willing to stand up for your principles.
You live according to your essential values.
You're willing to be accountable for your actions.

Indicates a resource within you that can help you deal with this obstacle.


This QUALITY can support and inspire you in your process.

Action plan: